Aaron's morning only spiraled down from the interruption at synagogue. Hoping the weather had cleared up, he was abysmally disappointed when he exited the synagogue and the rain had only increased in magnitude. As a result of the sheer volume of water rushing down the streets, it appeared that the open manhole in the road had backed up, and sewage had joined the rainwater puddling at Aaron's feet. "Was that a head?" he asked himself. "It couldn't be...." he thought. Before he was able to inspect it further, a Mercedes-Benz flew by and splashed a mixture of mud and sewage onto Aaron's pants. The sludge dripped down his pant legs into his galoshes and soaked his wool socks. "Bloody psycho!" he shouted at the woman driving away from Watershed Heights. His day thoroughly ruined, Aaron walked back to his apartment in disgust.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Though not a particularly religious man, Aaron had been raised Jewish, and considered himself a good Jew. He attended synagogue as often as he could, which translated to as often as he felt like, which generally was about once a month. He was not especially spiritual, either, and really only went to synagogue in order to counter the numerous vices in his life, adultery being his sin of choice. Today, he felt exceptionally Jewish because he walked all the way down the block to the synagogue in a torrential downpour. His L.L. Bean rain jacket certainly did its job, and his sweater vest stayed reasonably dry during his trek. Towards the end of the service, in the middle of a prayer, a crazy Russian burst through the doors and stood wide-eyed at the end of the aisle. He attempted to produce a smile, which ended up an awkward grimace, and said "I'll just come back later then?" and turned and ran out as ungracefully as he had entered. "Blubbering idiot," Aaron thought. "The one day I decide to be a good Jewish boy and that fool has to ruin it for me!"
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... but it's just so difficult to adapt to such a simple world. Neuman sighs and hits the door glancing at the contacts of some of the hotel's participants. A Doctor! There's the solution. Surely a Dr. would be a refreshing bit of high life. Perhaps this man is doing the same as he! Perhaps this Dr. is merely staying to heroically cure the sick around this town. Just a little break from living with so many people beneath him. Neuman straightens out fixes his composure and strides down the hall remaining conscious of his appearance and being friendly to those he passed by. Knocking on the door of Dr. A. Gallagher opening straight to the point: "Good evening, my name is Mr. Paul Neuman, might I ask what your doctorate is in?"